Monday, 22 June 2020
June news....
It’s hard to believe that here we are in early June still in lockdown though things are easing slowly…
We hope that you are all finding ways to cope with all the uncertainties and restrictions for yourself as well as family and friends. Many people and communities have come together in amazing ways and let’s hope some of the positives continue.
Some of us are still going to work, learning to work from home or volunteering as well as maybe battling with home schooling. Others may have found themselves suddenly at home with time to fill and looking for ways to keep busy.
Until we can all meet up in the hall we would be interested to know if you would like to take part in some smaller group Zoom meetings, though we appreciate it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If so let us have an idea of topics or activities that would be of interest e.g. a book club or a craft session? Or we might be able to hold some smaller social bubble activities like some guided walks or a picnic in a park? Please email wearemalagowi@gmail.com if you would be interested to take part or have any suggestions.
There are lots of online opportunities and zoom classes which might be of interest to our members. For example, The Bristol Arts Channel has just launched with free to view performances from some of the city’s amazing arts venues.
Sewing for the NHS and front line staff
Some of you joined in making wash bags, scrub hats and knitted hearts. Do let us know what you made and whether you made us the Brislington WI drop-offs or made your own arrangements.
What have you been doing in Lockdown
We thought it might be fun to collectively document what we have all been doing over the past few months.
We are hoping to create a short film that chronicles the activities of our members during lockdown. We’ve been inspired by Grayson Perry’s Art Club, and so it would be lovely to compile some photos and film of the things you’ve been up to! Think Tony Hart’s Gallery!
Have you been creative during lockdown? Perhaps you have completed a piece of sewing, or created a work of art? Maybe you’ve been trying out some new recipes or perhaps you’ve had success growing something amazing in the garden or allotment? Whatever it is, we’d love to share it with our members.
If you have photos, or better still, a few seconds of film, showing your art/project, lease do send it to Geri, our treasurer, at Geri@debutots.co.uk with a little bit about what you’ve been doing and why you are particularly proud of it.
If you are not camera shy then by all means film yourself explaining - that’s even better! Ensure your film is in landscape if at all possible (turn your phone sideways) and no longer than a couple of minutes. Otherwise it gets difficult to send! The Committee has put aside being camera shy and have put together a video to explain what to do, what we are looking for and to inspire you!
Geri will put all the contributions together and edit a short film, which we will all be able to enjoy. It will be a sort of chronicle of what we’ve been doing during these strange times.
Contributions need to be received by Wednesday 29th July, so whip out your smartphone and get filming!
Future meetings
We have been advised by WI Federation that face to face meetings are not possible for the time being so we have been thinking about what activities and projects we might be able to arrange in the meantime as well as planning for when more normal life returns.
The NFWI has been very concerned about the disruption this lockdown period has had on WI meetings and activities and the membership experience this year. Consultations with all federations have taken place to discuss ways in which this can be acknowledged in the membership subscription this year.
Therefore, they will be offering a three-month extension to this year’s membership subscription. The next renewal date for membership subscriptions will, therefore, be 1st April 2021.
As soon as we can meet again we hope to reschedule some of the speakers/session we had to cancel over the last few months as well as some new topics. We also want to plan for a really fab social event towards the end of the year which we can fund from events that have had to be cancelled.
We look forward to hearing from you, finding out more about what you have been doing during lockdown and planning ways we can continue to stay in touch and meet again when circumstances allow.
Stay safe and well.
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