Sunday 24 January 2021

January news...


Sadly, due to the ongoing COVID restrictions we can’t see it being possible to meet any time soon which is disappointing and frustrating.  As you know we had hoped to do a Theatre Walk with Show Of Strength Theatre Company  and despite rescheduling twice this hasn’t been possible.
Looking ahead we need to make you aware of the WI Federation’s position on membership.  It was confirmed in 2020, that membership renewals would not take place until April 2021 and going forward renewals would continue to be in April. 
During the second lockdown, as a committee we discussed whether members would like to take part in virtual meetings. We may not represent the range of views of the wider membership but some of us felt that those people working are probably fed up with staring at a computer all day and trying to catch up with family/friends etc in the evenings and therefore might not want to take part in WI meetings.  There are also a range of online classes/activities/performances etc now available. We are also aware that we may have members who do not have access to online meeting platforms. We are now in a third lockdown with working from home and home schooling causing real pressure for some of our members.
Given the current circumstances and the likelihood we will not be able to hold face to face meetings for some time, we would like to hear from you as to whether you would be interested in running virtual meetings in the interim.
If you want to continue with your membership, we can certainly look to create a virtual programme of talks and activities and would welcome any suggestions.  Others however may want to leave it for now and not renew until face-to-face meetings and activities are possible.
If you have a spare minute and email us at with your thoughts either way, as well as any further ideas that would be helpful.
In the meantime here is another selection of short films from the Civic Society; The Story of Bristol CarsBristol Buses in the 1950’sBristol Rollercoaster and The Lost Charlie Alpha  
Take care and stay safe