Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Most Urgent News - 6 January 2010

STOP! Don't leave the house!

Regretfully tonight's meeting has been CANCELLED

Adverse weather conditions make it dangerous to attempt journeys to and from south Bristol's Bollywood

We much regret this unfortunate turn of events

Please continue to email membership applications for 2010 to

See you at the next meeting on Wednesday 27 January 2010

Keep warm

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Bollywood night is coming up...

Greetings, Malago members

Our next meeting will be Wednesday 6 January (December's meeting bumped on a week) and will be a Bollywood extravaganza.

Chai will be on offer, as will delicately spiced cakes and sweet treats. We can't wait to get warmed up with our very own Indian winter.

Dress code:
:: Comfortable clothing, no short/tight skirts or high heels
:: Bring large scarves and bangles
:: Bindis will be provided


Malago WI Committee

All members of the committee are involved in recruitment. They also share the hosting and other responsibilities for the monthly committee meetings. The Malago committee all takes part in setting up the hall before each meeting. Committee members deliver information to the institute and organise fund-raising activities. Other tasks include finding contacts for meetings, baking, and gathering materials for meetings.

Marie Wilkinson

Vice President 
Lottie Storey

Moira Broadway

Yvonne Long

Members at large 
(covering programming, membership, fundraising, artistic direction and events)
Emma Squire
Lindsay Brazington
Nancy Horlick
Alice Hendy
Angie Last

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Malago WI!

We hope you've had a good rest so far. Wasn't the snow beautiful?

Just a couple of reminders:
  • The next Malago WI social takes place on Wednesday 30 December, 8pm at the Tobacco Factory. Come along, get out of the house, tell everyone what you got for Christmas. It'd be lovely to see you.
  • If you haven't already signed up at November's meeting, email to register your interest in becoming a member for 2010. Please state clearly your name and whether you were a 2009 member or not.
  • There will be 2 meetings in January - 6 January is Bollywood night, and 27 January is badge-making and New Year resolutions (where we'll share skills in helping each other to achieve our goals).
Have a good break, and we hope to see you soon.

After three! Should auld acquaintance be forgot...
Malago WI x

Monday, 23 November 2009

November rain

Malago WI,

It's raining, it's pouring, it's really very boring. Your humble correspondent is obviously in need of the creative writing expertise lined up for our November meeting: on Wednesday 25 November, Glenn Carmichael will be inspiring us to dig deep for inspiration and get scribbling, with a friendly introduction to writing creatively. Same time, same place - don't forget your quills and parchment.

If you weren't at our first birthday party, you missed a corker. Toasts were made, candles were blown out, and 'Happy Birthday' was sung (probably one too many times, if we're honest). We hope you all enjoyed it, and that you liked your present. If you weren't at the meeting, or aren't yet a member, birthday aprons will be available to buy at the meetings, along with the beautiful photographic book - the perfect record of our first year.

There was a bit of formal business to take care of at the party, which also happened to be our AGM. (The minutes are available to view on this here very site.) The headlines are that we waved adieu and un grand merci to our outgoing committee (Karen, Kirstie, Carrie, Emma, Odette, Jen and Jill) and 'allo 'allo to the new (Ruth, Moira, Lloyda, Hannah and Lizzie).

Coming up: there are still places available on the cupcake decorating workshop, on Saturday 5 December, just in time for Christmas. Sign up for your place at the November meeting.

Oh, and last but not least, congratulations to Karen and her family on their new addition - a baby girl (and possible WI president in the making?). We hope to meet her soon.

Don't forget your pen and paper, and we'll see you on Wednesday.