Wednesday 17 February 2016

February news....

January saw us learn more about herbal medicine especially all things bitter courtesy of Max Drake from the Urban Fringe Dispensary.  February’s meeting looks at another type of medicine – Chocolate.

Zara Narrocott, will be joining us from Zara’s Chocolates.  Zara started making chocolates in 2010.  Starting from home, and selling markets, the company started to grow and in 2013 opened a shop on North Street, partnering with Ivory Flowers. All chocolates are made on site, using fairly traded chocolate, good quality ingredients and no unnecessary nasties!

Zara will be talking about the history of chocolate and chocolate making.  But perhaps, more importantly, there will be the opportunity to do some chocolate tasting!  You will also be able to buy some of Zara’s fabulous chocolates.  It would be helpful if you would bring cash along if you think you will be interesting in buying anything.

If haven’t had the chance to do so, you can still renew your membership at the meeting.

We will also be holding a raffle to help raise funds for Malago WI.  If you have any unwanted gifts you would like to donate, please bring them along.

Don’t forget to visit the Malago WI website for information about future meetings!

We look forward to seeing you at 8pm on Wednesday 24th.


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Malago WI - January Meeting

Happy New Year Malagoers – hope you all had a good festive break.  Congratulations to Kelly Cotter who had a baby girl Cora on New Year’s Eve!!

With January well underway and Christmas seeming like a distant memory, you may be feeling the winter blues.  If you are in need of a boost on these cold winter nights or some new ideas, then don’t miss this month’s meeting, on Wednesday 27th January focusing on herbal medicine and treatments from the Urban Fringe Dispensary on Christmas Steps.

This traditional herbal apothecary provides accessible, professional herbal medicine to the including free expert over-the-counter advice, private consultations, and high quality bespoke herbal medicines, many of which are made from locally grown herbs. There are also three lovely treatment rooms which offer a range of other complementary therapies and treatments.

January is also membership renewal time so if you could arrive a bit earlier it will give us time to sort out renewals before the meeting starts. This year’s WI membership is £37.50.  We are also have a special new year offer of a lovely Malago tea towel, designed by Emily Ketteringham, for only £3 when you renew.   If you have any unwanted Christmas presents, bring them along as we will raffle these at February’s meeting.

We still need additional help on the committee.  If you are a new or existing member and would be able to spare a few hours a month, then we would love to hear from you.  We are particularly looking for those who are good with spreadsheets to help maintain the register or anyone who can turn their hand to a bit of web design, although any offers for help will be gratefully received.

Finally, a big thank you to all our bakers and helpers at the December North Street Fair, who braved the elements in November.  Despite the horrendous weather, which meant the Fair closed early, we made a welcome £199 which will go towards this year’s events and trips!

We look forward to another exciting year at the Malago WI and seeing you on January 27th.