Friday 20 April 2018

April news...

March’s meeting was full of intrigue thanks to Paul Barham’s fascinated talk on the sex, life and death of the humble honey bee.

This month we will be talking about one of Britain’s favourite topic – tea.  Bluebird tea is an independent, tea mixology company on a mission to make people happy with tea. Started three years ago by Krisi and Mike who began by packing tea in their bedroom and attending markets, the company now has multiple retail outlets, including Park Street in Bristol, and a thriving international online store.

Keight and Emma from the Bristol shop will talk about Bluebird’s amazing blends of teas including some of their 70 or more exciting flavours created by mixing with ingredients including herbs, flowers, fruit, caramel and chocolate.

They will bring their top 10 teas to taste and also talk about the health benefits of teas and new trends. Teas are not just made into a hot drink they can be mixed into tea cocktails, fresh iced teas, chai brews, cold brews, lattes and smoothies.

Bring along some cash as there will be different teas and other products available to buy.  Everyone will also receive a complimentary voucher to spend in the shop.

The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) will be holding its AGM on 6th June.  As part of the AGM, WI members are asked to vote on this year’s resolution - Mental health matters.  Further details of the resolution are available on the NFWI website. We will be asking members to vote for or against this resolution at April’s meeting and our votes will be taken to the AGM by Malago WI’s link delegate.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 25th!

Thursday 22 March 2018

March news....

It was lovely to see everyone who braved the cold weather at last month’s meeting.  Sue Duggan  Teach Me Sugar Craft showed us how to decorate cup cakes with an Easter theme.  They looked amazing and tasted pretty good as well!

So spring has finally sprung and we are delighted to have two speakers at this month’s meeting to talk about the beloved Bumblebee.  Our first speaker is Janice Walsh, a volunteer with Bumble Bee Conservation Trust.  The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’. It now boasts over 10,000 members and is growing fast.

Janice’s illustrated talk 'The Buzz about Bumblebees' will give an insight into the challenges our UK bumblebees are facing and what simple steps we can all take to help their plight, including making our gardens and open spaces more bee friendly.

Our second speaker is Paul Barham who is a general surgeon specialising in upper gastro intestinal surgery. He is a leading figure in the development of minimally invasive techniques. In his spare time he is passionate about bee keeping, and will be telling us about how he keeps his bees happy and productive.

If you have any unwanted Christmas presents, please bring them along and we will raffle these off to raise money for future meetings and outings.

We are still collecting membership fee of £41, so it you haven’t paid, you can do so by cheque or cash
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 28th March.