Wednesday 19 August 2015

August news...

Well, hello Malagowers

Everyone seemed to really enjoy our lovely Summer outing last Month. The weather held for our open top bus tour, glass of fizz and photo opportunity on the Downs, followed by that scrumptious cream tea at the Avon Gorge Hotel. It was great to see so many members, guests and also friends from other WIs.

Having got a taste for the great outdoors we thought we would make the most of the last of the summer by arranging another outing for our August meeting – this time to Windmill Hill City Farm.

Please note that instead of meeting at the hall for 8pm as usual you will need to make your way to the Farm for 7.15pm prompt.
(Philip Street, Bedminster, BS3 4EA)

We will start in the  outdoor Barn Terrace where Chris Lambert, the Farm’s Gardens Manager give an introduction to the Farm and then give his expert advice and tips on how you can grow your own veg and fruit in small urban gardens, raised beds and containers and other tiny spaces.

After a break for tea and cakes Chris will give a guided tour around the Farm taking questions en route. He will show their various growing areas and also some of the allotments, giving tips  and do’s and don’ts of planting, composting, pest control and what to grow when. We will be finishing by 9.15pm as it will be starting to get dark.

You are welcome to park in the Farm car park plus there is usually on street parking nearby as well.

Also advance notice that the Crafty Women centenary celebration of arts and crafts by Avon Federation of WI members is on at M Shed over the weekend of 19 & 20 September. £5 entry (£4 for WI members)

Until Wednesday 26th.....


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Malago WI on tour...


On Wednesday 29 July, our next meeting, we are having our summer outing!
We won't be in the Methodist hall, so please don't turn up there, you'll be disappointed.

We'll be enjoying an open top bus tour through Bristol, a glass of Prosecco on the Downs and a cream tea at the Avon Gorge Hotel - it will be fabulous.
All places have to be pre-booked, so if you've somehow missed this you can email us at to find out the details - you may find yourself on a waiting list at this stage, but it might be worth a try!

Those that are already booked on will receive an email with details of the times and pick up point.
See you there!


Saturday 20 June 2015

June news...

Well, hello Malagowers

We hope you enjoyed our little introduction to the world of burlesque last month - the hall looked like the scene of a particularly colourful pillow fight by the end of the evening, but I think we had a good time!

At our meeting on Wednesday 24th June there'll be a bit more audience participation as we're having a drumming workshop.  The workshop revolves around the use of common or garden objects such as biscuit tins, food containers, pots and pans, buckets and baking trays for example; in fact anything that makes a ‘good noise’ when hit - avoiding fragile objects such as glass or pottery etc for obvious reasons!
So please bring along something to hit and something to hit it with (or just your hand if you prefer).

Lastly,  it's North Street Summer Fair next weekend and we need more people to help out on our stall and bake cakes to sell.  Please, give up a little time to do something for your lovely WI.  Thank you to all who've signed up to help already, but we do need more of you so please email us to let us know what you're able to do, or if you'll be at our meeting on Wednesday you'll be able to sign up then.  Please do!

Until Wednesday...