Showing posts with label best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 June 2010

We May never be the same again...

Wow, Malago, is it just us or was Jane Brocket pretty blooming good?

Those beautiful quilts, the colours and fabrics, the enthusiasm with which she brought her subject to life... We could tell you liked it too - the oohs and aahs when she revealed each quilt made it sound like you lot were watching a firework display.

Turns out, Jane quite liked us too. If you lived in Bristol, Jane, we'd have you in a Malago minute. What an evening.

And we have another couple of exciting evenings coming up for you, the first being our Swish - the clothes and accessories swap which takes place on Friday 18 June at 8pm (taking place at the Pilates Moves studio). Tickets are £6 which includes a glass of wine and nibbles, and the event's open to members and non-members alike so bring your friends. Tickets can be reserved by emailing or you can pay on the night.

For the uninitiated swishers amongst you, the idea is that you bring at least 3 good-quality items you love but no longer use (with hangers please), which entitles you to take home 3 new-to-you items for your summer wardrobe. Simple but brilliant. And you can buy extra tokens if the selection of goodies leaves you unable to choose, and don't forget to bring a bag to take it all home in). Come along, it'll be a blast. All proceeds go to making your WI bigger and better.

June meeting
It's time to get the bangles out for our re-scheduled Bollywood night! Snowed off back in January, the June meeting will give you an opportunity to learn a few moves from Mother India, and enjoy a hot cup of chai and some delicious spiced cakes and snacks.

The June meeting is on Wednesday 30 June at 8pm, Ebenezer Methodist Church hall. Please wear your finest, brightest, spangliest garb, accessorised with jingly bangles and chandeliearrings. (But do make sure you're comfortable, and don't wear heels.)

Best of Bedminster
Malago WI intends to be part of the Best of Bedminster show again this year, date to be confirmed but it'll be a September Saturday. We will be serving our famous tea and cakes, as well as cupcake-decorating. We will need volunteers to help on the day, as well as to make cakes to sell. BoB is our favourite fund-raiser, and it's a great way to let south Bristol know about us and our activities, while helping out a good cause. Email us or let us know you can help by chatting to one of the committee next time you see us.

We're off to raid our wardrobes for some extra-special Swish treats.

See you soon!
Malago WI x

Thursday 17 September 2009

September sisters, unite!

Hello sisters

It's time to fight. We love North Street, we love Bedminster, Southville, Ashton, we love the people and the shops and the community - we love everything about what makes south Bristol a lovely place to live or to work or to spend time.

As most of you know, all of this is under threat from the Tesco application for a huge superstore at Ashton Gate. Malago WI has already voted to support Berate, the anti-Tesco campaign, and these views have been made public in the Evening Post, The Pigeon and elsewhere.

Tonight, a couple of Malago WI members went to the public meeting, where we watched this film, which made us even more sure that Tesco and the death of North Street is too high a price to pay for three weeks of football party:

We hope you agree. If you haven't already sent your objections, you must do so before the end of October. All the details on what to do and how to do it are on the
Berate site.

There will also be a letter-writing table on our stall at the Best of Bedminster Show,(Malago WI is official refreshment provider, Saturday 26 September) and at our September meeting.

Talking of which, September's meeting is fast looming so dust off your knitting needles and come along on Wednesday 30 September ready to learn a new skill or to show us all how it's done. Materials will be provided if you don't have your own, as well as plenty of inspiring books, patterns and finished articles. It should be quite something to see one of the newest WI branches embrace one of the oldest domestic arts. We'll be attempting socks before we know it.

Looking ahead to October (drum roll, fanfare), and it's our first birthday! We are very, very excited. Alas because we have a smidgeon of formal business to attend to, it can be paid-up members only (if you're not yet a member, you can join in September) and there is a change of venue for one night only. Don't forget to pick up your invitation. And although we'll be providing party-style titbits, you might like to eat something beforehand. There will be a cash bar so bring your pocket money, and we're asking for a suggested donation of £4 to cover everything but your drinks.

And if that's got your social feathers a-fluttering, save the date for the next Brunel group meeting - Friday 16 October, 7.30 at St.Martins Church Hall, Knowle. The Brunel Group is a collective of 6 local WIs including us, so Malago members are most welcome. October's speaker is Paul Cook, ostrich farmer, and there will be a competition and prize for the most imaginative feather creation, plus raffle, plus refreshments. All for £3. Tickets from Malago WI at the September meeting.