Monday 25 May 2009

May newsletter

Malago May Queens, how do you do?

So much to report... April's credit crunch offer of two-speakers-for-the-price-of-one went down a treat with you bargain hunters. Kath Kelly and Dave Hamilton provided us with tips galore for spring cleaning, eco cleaning, eco living and frugal living at the last meeting. No excuse now, ladies!

And our offerings, both cultural and edible, were enjoyed by all at the Southbank Art Trail. We estimate that around 400 eager art-trailers experienced our south Bristol version of the Learning To Love You More assignments, and Marmalade Cafe raised over £300 to add to our coffers! Paddington Bear would be proud. Well done and thank you to all involved - it's made a huge difference to the bank balance, and will enable Malago WI to continue this year's activities in the manner to which we are accustomed, and go forth into 2010 with gusto. Hurrah.

And if you weren't there you can re-live the experience with the beautiful photographs on our Flickr site.

A big thank you to sponsors-in-kind and providers of wonderful tea, coffee and herbals, Clipper and Pukka. You are too kind.

May's meeting
Taking place on Wednesday 27 May, the next meeting focuses on the history of WI campaigning from our Avon Federation guru, Daphne Vise, and a discussion around the motion for the next campaign - SAVE THE HONEY BEES - with a talk from local beekeeper, Ivor Davis, who may also bring local honey for you to buy (if it's not all sold out by now). And all the cakes will be honey-sweet...

Anyone need a lift in my beautiful pea green boat?