Tuesday 19 October 2021


Thanks to those who could join us for our quiz evening at the Hen and Chicken.  It was a great opportunity to socialise, have a natter and pit our wits against Quiz Master Vivienne. 
As the nights draw in, we are planning a cosy night at Farahaway Café on North Street for a macramé workshop.  Farah has had a passion for arts and crafts since she was younger - her mum had a craft shop, so she was always surrounded by creativity.  She wanted to share her love of crafts with others and thought a relaxing café environment with a space for workshops would be the perfect way to do that and bring a sense of community.
We will have the opportunity to learn the basic techniques of macramé and make a plant hanger to house your favourite plant. All materials, a hot drink and slice of cake or glass of fizz are included.  You will also be able to buy further snacks, cakes, and drinks.
Doors will open at 7pm for a prompt start at 7:30pm.  We have 20 spaces so if you would like to attend, please email wearemalagowi@gmail.com by Sunday 24th October to reserve your place.  Guests are welcome at £10 each.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Bedminster Winter Lantern Parade.  Held at the beginning of January, this is a great way to brighten up the dark nights and celebrate the wonderful schools and community groups which make up Bedminster.  They are looking for marshals to help at the event, so if you are interested, please contact Stef Brammar for more information.
We hope to see you next week for an evening of crafting and chat.