Wednesday 11 July 2018

July news...

We hope you all enjoyed last month’s talk by Clare Osborne from Incredible Oceans. We certainly had our eyes opened to the damaging over-use of plastic and have been thinking of ways we can do our bit – remember, as Clare says, one starfish at a time!

And, if the weather isn’t hot enough already this month, things are certainly heating up as we leave the Hall for our July outing to The Spicery on Feeder Road. The Spicery team are purveyors of wonderful spices from around the world. Not only are they experts but they also have a test kitchen and event space on site where they develop all their delicious recipes and deliver special tasting evenings and workshops.

Matt, the development chef, will be taking us on an exploration of some of the many types of chilli with a special workshop where we can taste some samples – if you’re brave enough! We’ll take a tour around the fragrant Spicery itself to see how all the spices and blends are produced, stored and shipped out. To finish we’ll learn which spices are best used in summer cocktails, and the foodies among us can have a nosey round the Spicery Shop where you will be able to purchase spices, recipe kits, subscription boxes and books.

This special outing will take place on July 25th at the earlier time of 7.30pm, finishing around 9.30pm. We’ll make our own way there: 77 Feeder Road, St Phillips, BS2 0TQ. There is parking directly outside the building and also in the surrounding streets.

If you haven’t already put your name down, why not spice up your life and contact us by 20th July to secure a place?  Guests are very welcome to come along at £10 per person.

Mary Magro from Westleaze Long Ashton WI was our link delegate at the recent NFWI annual meeting held in June.  The meeting was attend by 1000’s of WI members and celebrated the centenary of the Suffragettes movement.  This year’s resolution ‘mental health matters’ was passed with 98% of delegates in favour.  A full report is available to read when we meet again in the Hall.

Don’t forget, we have a stall at Pride on 14th July to help raise funds for future meetings and outings.  If you can help out or bake some cakes, please let us know or visit us to show you support and even make a kite!

We look forward to seeing you at our summer outing on 25th July!