Tuesday 22 November 2011

Happy Birthday - we are three!

You don't look a day over two, Malago WI!

We had a fantastic birthday meeting in October, swishing and sweeting with all those beautiful clothes you brought and the amazing sweet jars filled with party bag sugar. Deliciosa!

And in amongst the high jinx, we even managed to conduct some very formal WI business, including saying a very fond farewell to our outgoing president, Karen Bowers, who has served with dedication, generosity, hard work and a whole lotta love. She is missed already.

Moira delivered our accounts with aplomb - apparently she presented Malago WI accounts to the official WI bods at head office, who were full of praise, saying they were some of the best accounts they'd seen. High praise indeed.

Incoming committee members for 2011-12 are as follows:
President - Marie Wilkinson
Vice president - Lottie Storey
Treasurer - Moira Broadway
Secretary - Yvonne Long
Members at large (covering programming, membership, fundraising, artistic direction and events) - Emma Squire, Nancy Horlick, Lindsay Brazington, Alice Hendy, Angie Last

So, onwards and upwards. November's meeting is our annual Ways with Wool extravaganza, and this year we will be making some rather spiffing pom pom crafts, including necklaces, wreaths and lampshades. We'll provide wreath frames and some equipment and yarn, but if you have your own stash - even an old woolly jumper that could be unravelled and reused - then bring it along. The more the merrier.

If you're able to bring a cake, then drop us a line to let us know. We're laying down fat for the winter, so expect hot tea and great hunks of gateau - we can always do with more of the latter, and we know you lot are a dab hand at the stove.

And don't forget - we're opening up membership for this meeting, the last before Christmas. So bring along your subs for 2012 - £31.50 - and tell your friends. Malago WI is open for business!

Tiddly om pom pom...