Monday 21 November 2022

Last month we pitted our wits against are very own Quiz Master, Vivienne.  A great night was had by all, and with only a few football questions, the scores were tight!

It’s that time of year again when we start talking about Christmas! We are delighted that this year, we can offer several Christmas activities.

Our November meeting will be all about the festive season.  We will undertaking a blind mince pie testing, pitting the High Streets favourite shops and brands against each other to vote for our favourite Christmas staple.  We will also be getting back to some crafting making Christmas decorations including stars and origami Christmas trees.  All instructions and materials will be provided, but feel free to bring along some favourite paper (printer thickness or thicker would be ideal) and any embellishments you would like to add.
After many years of not being about to meet up socially, we are also arranging a Christmas social where we can have a drink and chat.  This will be on Thursday 15th December at 7:45pm for 8pm at North Street Standard.  We hope you can join us!
If you are not able to make any of our Christmas gatherings, we wish you a happy and healthy festive season and look forward to you joining us for our exciting 2023 programme of meetings!