Bonjour Malago WI!
May's meeting was one of the most important yet, with national campaign votes cast for the SOS for Honey Bees resolution. Before this serious business took place, Daphne gave us a potted history of WI campaigns, and then we heard from local beekeeper and something of an expert (being ex president of the British Beekeepers’ Association), Dr Ivor Davis. Many thanks to Ivor, who talked us through the basics around why bees need saving. We were convinced: Malago WI unanimously voted in favour of the resolution 23/0. Our vote was cast on our behalf by our 'link member' President of Knowle WI, Barbara McInerney. The resolution was debated and passed with an overwhelming majority of 99.4% at the AGM:
"SOS for Honey Bees – honey bees play a vital role in the pollination of food crops and in our environment. In view of concerns about the accelerating decline in the UK honey bee population, this meeting urges HM Government to increase funding for research into bee health."
For more information on the campaign and how to get involved go to:
We also spent time discussing the issues close to our hearts with a view to drawing up a list of possible future MWI campaigns. View long-list here:
And onto June's meeting, a WI classic done in a new Malago WI way - flower arranging. Clare from Les Fleurs florists - - will be showing us the ropes, with a workshop designed to give everyone the confidence to tie a bouquet and produce a show-stopping arrangment using containers from around the house, and foliage from around the garden. This is where you lot come in - Don't forget to bring vases, gravy boats and jam jars for your arrangements, as well as any flowers, greenery, leaves or anything else from the garden to add to your finished article (we will provide flowers but there may not be many to go round. We'll learn the tricks of how to make a few flowers go a long way...).
Also new for this month, we've introduced three new ways for meetings to run to time and for us all to get to know each other better:
1. a noticeboard, for the latest information about upcoming meetings, fundraising, social events, and those all important tea and cake rotas;
2. a recommendations file, to allow members to share information about great traders, local shops or fantastic deals that we can all benefit from;
and... drum roll...
3. a social evening! It's been a long time coming. Join your fellow Malago WI members on Wednesday 22 July, 8pm, in the main bar of the Tobacco Factory.
Chocolate workshop
On Saturday 18 July, some of us will be at a hand-made chocolate workshop. Join us for the bargain price of £20 – give your name and a cheques to Jen at the June meeting. All others who have put their name down need to pay at the meeting – also to Jen.
See you with your secateurs on Wednesday 24 June, same time, same place.
Constance Spry, eat your heart out.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Campaign ideas from May's meeting
At the May meeting, we heard about the national campaign, SOS for honey bees. And we also invited members to suggest issues they feel strongly about and would like Malago WI to consider putting forward as a campaign in the future, on a local or national level.
Here is a list of those ideas:
:: Women on the breadline/ single mums; provide opportunities to join WI through assistance with membership costs, taking WI to them, help with skills needs such as literacy/ basic skills.
:: Women who self-harm; raise profile/ understanding/ support.
:: Elderly in our community; befriending
:: Pink toys - gender specific toys/ products for children
:: Plastic recycling and use reduction
:: Supermarkets taking over - support independents
:: Hospital care - feeding issues
:: Food - body image/ media/ education in schools
:: Food - wastage/ cost
:: Education - sex and relationships/ domestic violence
:: Schools - overtesting, learning to pass exams, no love for learning, too target driven
:: Schools - fear in Bristol of Secondary Schools
:: More space for growing food locally
:: Creating sustainable communities
:: Public transport - service and cost, oil alternatives
:: Traffic on North Street - more crossings, encourage people not car focus
:: Parking at Tesco (North Street) on double yelow lines
:: Dog mess and mess on pavements
:: Encourage more people to get wormeries
:: Bike theft
:: Vandalism
:: Rubbish - litter and fly-tipping
:: Buddy scheme - elderly
:: Diversity in WI; encourage/ research
:: Street Parties
:: Encourage women to cycle/ link with Sustrans
:: Support Bristol South swimming pool
Here is a list of those ideas:
:: Women on the breadline/ single mums; provide opportunities to join WI through assistance with membership costs, taking WI to them, help with skills needs such as literacy/ basic skills.
:: Women who self-harm; raise profile/ understanding/ support.
:: Elderly in our community; befriending
:: Pink toys - gender specific toys/ products for children
:: Plastic recycling and use reduction
:: Supermarkets taking over - support independents
:: Hospital care - feeding issues
:: Food - body image/ media/ education in schools
:: Food - wastage/ cost
:: Education - sex and relationships/ domestic violence
:: Schools - overtesting, learning to pass exams, no love for learning, too target driven
:: Schools - fear in Bristol of Secondary Schools
:: More space for growing food locally
:: Creating sustainable communities
:: Public transport - service and cost, oil alternatives
:: Traffic on North Street - more crossings, encourage people not car focus
:: Parking at Tesco (North Street) on double yelow lines
:: Dog mess and mess on pavements
:: Encourage more people to get wormeries
:: Bike theft
:: Vandalism
:: Rubbish - litter and fly-tipping
:: Buddy scheme - elderly
:: Diversity in WI; encourage/ research
:: Street Parties
:: Encourage women to cycle/ link with Sustrans
:: Support Bristol South swimming pool
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