There, I said it!
Apologies if you’re in the ‘not before December 1st’ brigade, but it’ll be a real struggle to bring you up to date without mentioning the ‘C’ word.
First off, October’s meeting was a craft fest of starry proportions with origami, crochet, sewing and salt dough decorations being created for our Christmas tree at the lovely Treefest event at St Mary Redcliffe Church.
It takes place the week beginning 8th December and we’ll need a few people to help set up and decorate (and possibly a tree too…details, details)! Let us know if you’ve got a couple of spare hours on the Monday and want to be involved.
If you’ve continued with your crafty talents and made more decorations at home, please bring them along to our meeting next week.
Speaking of which, we’ll be welcoming back Liz Ferguson next week – she taught us how to make fabulous tissue paper pompoms last time she was with us. This time she’ll be sharing and demonstrating her gift wrapping ideas, from the budget end through to the more luxurious, with a generous smattering of funny tales from the life of Liz!
We’re still after volunteers to help on our stall at the Windmill Hill City Farm Christmas Fair, on Sunday 14th December – have you put your name down for an hour or 2 yet? If not why not?! Come on, season of goodwill and all that…
Finally, bring along some cash to next week’s meeting, there’ll be opportunities-a-plenty to part with it.
If you’re not already a member of Malago WI, membership is open so why not join us for 2015 – we just need to relieve you of a mere £36.00.
We have received our beautiful, tea towels, designed by the very talented artist and Malago member Emily Ketteringham, so they’ll be on sale for £6.00 each.
Finally, we’re clearing out our cupboard to make way for a new load of goodies, so we’ll be flogging stuff such as glitter, beads, sequins, art pad and anything else we can find!
Any money raised will go back in to making Malago WI as fabulous as we can.
See you on Wednesday,