Thursday, 18 February 2010

February forever

Dear women of Malago,

It may be the shortest month, but it feels like February has gone on forever. Roll on Spring! While we wait for the daffs to come up, here's the latest from your local Women's Institute.

January's meeting
It was amazing to see so many happy faces at our January badge-making session. Welcome, first-timers, and welcome back, old-timers. We hope you enjoyed yourselves, and made some new friends. Thank you for your generous cake donations which totaled £41.60 for the Haiti earthquake relief fund.

We're nearly full, which is an amazing start to the year! If you haven't yet joined, email for an application form - places are limited, so don't hang about if you like us. Membership is £29.50 - cheques made payable to Malago WI. If you want to come along and see what we're all about, you'll have to wait a little longer. Our February meeting is full, but March 31 sees us donning smocks to attempt a self-portrait or two, in advance of the Southbank Arts Trail.

February's meeting
For those of you who are paid-up members, our next meeting takes place on Wednesday 24 February when we'll be making Morphs with Aardman. Could it get any more exciting than this? Members will each receive a Morph-making kit complete with enough plasticine to construct your own model of Tony Hart's malleable friend with help from one of Aardman's top animators. There will be a prize for the best effort, as well as a raffle to raise much-needed funds.

Bread-making workshop
For those of you booked on one of the bread-making workshops with the wonderful Mark's Bread, please make sure you bring along your payment to the February meeting - £12 cash or cheque please. The photographic evidence from the first session is up now on our Flickr site - it looked a lot of fun. Very impressive.

Reclaim the Night
On Friday 26 February, representatives from Malago WI will join Bristol Feminist Network to take part in Reclaim the Night - an international campaign against sexual violence, with very obvious links to the WI No More Violence Against Women campaign. These marches empower women to stand together and reclaim our right to be out in our city at night free from the fear of violence and harassment. If you'd like to join us on the march, from 6-8pm, please email us at

That's all for now.
May your jack never flap,
Malago WI x