Monday, 25 May 2009

May newsletter

Malago May Queens, how do you do?

So much to report... April's credit crunch offer of two-speakers-for-the-price-of-one went down a treat with you bargain hunters. Kath Kelly and Dave Hamilton provided us with tips galore for spring cleaning, eco cleaning, eco living and frugal living at the last meeting. No excuse now, ladies!

And our offerings, both cultural and edible, were enjoyed by all at the Southbank Art Trail. We estimate that around 400 eager art-trailers experienced our south Bristol version of the Learning To Love You More assignments, and Marmalade Cafe raised over £300 to add to our coffers! Paddington Bear would be proud. Well done and thank you to all involved - it's made a huge difference to the bank balance, and will enable Malago WI to continue this year's activities in the manner to which we are accustomed, and go forth into 2010 with gusto. Hurrah.

And if you weren't there you can re-live the experience with the beautiful photographs on our Flickr site.

A big thank you to sponsors-in-kind and providers of wonderful tea, coffee and herbals, Clipper and Pukka. You are too kind.

May's meeting
Taking place on Wednesday 27 May, the next meeting focuses on the history of WI campaigning from our Avon Federation guru, Daphne Vise, and a discussion around the motion for the next campaign - SAVE THE HONEY BEES - with a talk from local beekeeper, Ivor Davis, who may also bring local honey for you to buy (if it's not all sold out by now). And all the cakes will be honey-sweet...

Anyone need a lift in my beautiful pea green boat?

Friday, 24 April 2009

Spring is in the air...

Malago Mondrians, Monets and Matisses!

The Southbank Art Trail is nearly upon us, and we are beavering away at our Learning To Love You More assignments, which will be displayed at 84 Greville Road on 9 and 10 May, alongside the Marmalade Cafe.

Without donations - of artwork or cakes or time or all three - from Malago WI members, we won't have a show. So please help us, it's a fine cause as you all know, and we have high hopes it will prove to be a successful fundraising and awareness-raising exercise which all goes to making MWI bigger and better.

Alice has done battle with Adobe Illustrator and come out victorious, with two beautiful posters for you to download for your window here in pink or here in grey

Marmalade Cafe
We know there are some very adept cake-makers out there as we've experienced at our meetings so far. Please, if you can spare the time and ingredients to make something, anything, large or small, for us to sell in the cafe we'd really appreciate it.

Or, if your skills lie in tea-making or waitressing, we need you too! If you can spare time (between 11-5, even an hour will do) or cake or creativity, let us know by emailing or talk to Lottie at Wednesday's meeting.

Learning To Love You More
The assignments may appear a little daunting to the uninitiated, but fear not - they are designed to be completed by everyone, regardless of artistic experience. Here, we have picked out a couple of examples that we think we might attempt, and we hope might tickle your fancy too:

If you're stuck indoors with nothing to do, have a pop at one of the above. And don't forget to bring it along to Wednesday's meeting!

Talking of which, Wednesday's double-header features urban self sufficiency from one half of Bristol's own Good Life duo, Dave Hamilton, and a talk from Kath Kelly, best-selling author of ‘How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day’. See you on Wednesday 29 April at 8pm.

And if you haven't already seen it on the website, we've drafted an environmental policy to set out Malago WI's aspirations in terms of minimising our impact on the environment. Take a look here, and leave a comment if you feel inclined.

Coming up
May’s meeting is all about campaigning. Learn about the WI’s impressive history in campaigning (Keep Britain Tidy being one of the most famous) and how we can get involved both locally and nationally. Is there something that you would like to change, perhaps we can channel our collective voice and energy into doing something about it? This year’s national resolution is ‘SOS for honey bees’ which, if passed, aims to address the declining honey bee population. Find out more about it, listen to our speaker Ivor Davis, a master beekeeper and ex president of the British Beekeepers’ Association and cast your vote.

A bientot
Malago WI x

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Malago WI March and April

Malago red roses, you sing like birds!

Your humble correspondent was off sick, but our president, Karen Bowers, sent this report:

March's meeting was a real gem. Everyone seemed to talk to someone new, everyone had a laugh. Selina of Intercre8 led us in a fantastic ice breaker that had us running madly across the room like children playing musical chairs at a party. Then we started to find our voices, and then we sang. We sounded great! I think we were all stunned. Working in groups meant we mixed and mingled, and then pairs exercises on tongue twister certainly removed any last remains of embarrassment or keeping up appearances. Even finishing off the evening, with the usual announcements, felt different and felt like we were all in it together. 

Sounds like I missed a good one. But, to bring me back from the brink of despair, April's meeting is set to be a corker too. Phew. With this dreary credit crunch showing no signs of abating, we need all the fun we can get. And penny-saving tips to boot! Which is just as well, as we have urban self sufficiency from one half of Bristol's own Good Life duo, Dave Hamilton, and a talk from Kath Kelly, best-selling author of ‘How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day’. Put Wednesday 29 April in your diary.

And talking of environmental issues, Malago WI now has its very own environmental policy, detailing how we plan to minimise the impact our activities has on resources and do as much as we can to help save the planet. Have a look here:

Feel free to comment - we want your ideas on how to make Malago WI an exemplar group.

There's still time to don your smock and beret for the Art Trail. Whether you'd like to make work for the art exhibition, a cake/biscuits/treats for the cafe, or volunteer your services to help out over the weekend, just drop us a line at the usual address, The more the merrier.

Malago W.I Go Pro on Flickr!

Until recently we have only had a lowly guest account on the photo-sharing site, Flickr. We are now very pleased to announce that we have upgraded to a Pro account. This means we can upload many more photos and document different aspects of our institute online. Perhaps you’ve tried out a new recipe and photographed the results or maybe you’ve knitted, gardened or campaigned. If you have an image you think might be at home on our Flickr page please send it to Alice at alicehendy at

Pip pip,


Malago WI Environmental Policy

Malago Women’s Institute Environmental Policy
Members of the committee have worked on developing this draft Environmental Policy, and welcome comments from members, either by leaving comments on the website or by email

Statement of Intent
Malago Women’s Institute recognises that our operations have an impact in the local and global environment.

This document sets out our intent to minimise this impact and lists a number of measures to be implemented in order to do so.

This policy is implemented from committee level. This document should be issued to all members to make them aware of their own personal responsibilities.

The process of implementing environmental improvements will be done in consultation with members, who will be invited to suggest ways we can minimise our environmental impact. This will ensure that all considerations are taken into account and that understanding and co-operation is optimised.

This document signals Malago WI’s intent to:
1. develop a sense of responsibility for the environment amongst all members.
2. set targets to improve the use of energy and raw materials and reduce the group’s environmental impact. Regularly review and report on progress each year.
3. work towards becoming a Carbon Neutral Organisation.
4. reduce wastage to a minimum and to recycle materials to the maximum. recognise that wasting energy causes avoidable pollution so endeavour to keep energy use to a practical minimum.
5. avoid/reduce pollution of air, land and water wherever possible.
6. promote sustainability in all its forms through our programme and fundraising efforts.
encourage members to use sustainable means of transport when travelling to and from meetings and events.
7. consider this environmental policy in future decision making processes.
8. celebrate and publicise Malago WI’s environmental successes to members and the wider community to be a role model of environmental performance for the community.

Malago WI Environmental Policy
Malago WI has made and continues to make a concerted effort to improve its environmental performance. The objectives of this process are to:
  • minimise the environmental impact that Malago WI has on the local and global environment,
  • minimise waste of money and resources, and
  • set a good example of environmental performance to members

All members are encouraged to adhere to the procedures set out in this policy and to help Malago WI optimise its environmental performance in every possible way. Notes are included below in order to help members to do this.

Malago WI has a switch off policy for all lights and all electrical appliances, to encourage all members to take greater attention to minimise waste by turning off lights, electrical appliances and radiators when not needed.

Members are encouraged to ensure that lights are neither switched on when they are not needed or left on longer than they are needed. Members are also requested to encourage other members to do the same.

Electrical appliances should be switched off overnight and when not in use

All committee members should consider energy efficiency when purchasing all new equipment and to make regular PATs (portable appliance tests) on appliances.

Waste reduction and recycling
The following procedures for re-cycling and re-using waste should be followed as far as possible.

1. Reduction and Re-use
Envelopes should be opened carefully and reused as far as possible.
Paper printed on one side only should be re-used for printing draft copies.
Used paper should also be used for note pads and scraps of paper for messages etc.

2. Recycling
Paper, glass bottles, cans and cardboard should be collected outside the kitchen area and taken home by committee members for weekly black bin recycling.
Bubble wrap packaging will be reused.
All other items will be recycled through the Bristol Freecycle website group

3. Water conservation and pollution measures
Members should remember to conserve water where possible and ensure that taps are turned off after use.
Care should be taken to minimise the chemicals entering the drains. Non toxic cleaning products will be used whenever possible

Members are encouraged to consider walking, cycling, public transport or lift sharing to Malago WI activities, as far as possible.

General/ Purchasing
Our bank account is with ethical bank smile.

Any direct purchasing of food and drink should be GM-free, and members on the cake rota should be encouraged to use the following ingredients:
Unrefined wheat and sugar products, as far as possible

Malago WI should buy and use cleaning products which are not environmentally damaging (such as Ecover brand).
All paper and envelopes are made from recycled paper

Demonstrating achievements to members and the wider community
Malago WI will take the following steps to communicate with members and the wider community:

Information sent to speakers when they are booked will include statements outlining Malago WI’s environmental policy and requesting members to assist our efforts to optimise environmental performance.

The environmental policy statement of intent will be on display on the reading table and available on the website, a full copy of the document can be viewed on request

The education and activities programme will promote environmental sustainability wherever possible.

Malago WI’s commitment to environmental sustainability shall be clearly stated in marketing material.

Monday, 23 March 2009

March Malago Meeting

Ladies, all the ladies!
Clear your throats, please, in preparation for the March meeting of Malago WI!

Wednesday 25 March will have us projecting, booming, and commanding, as we take part in a voice workshop. Selina Keedwell, director of interCre8 (creatively learning through
drama), is a drama artist, performer and facilitator, specialising in teaching physical theatre and drama to students of all ages and abilities. Selina has performed in, devised, facilitated and managed creative projects in diverse settings, from taxi drivers in Indonesia and doctors in Torbay, to dancers in New York and young mothers in Devon. She firmly believes that learning through drama can have huge benefits for all, helping to gain confidence, develop positive self awareness, and the ability to work with others co-operatively by exploring and accepting ourselves as individuals.

The workshop allows us to explore our voices while discovering new ways of communicating confidently with an audience, at work or play. Using breathing, relaxation, diction, projection, rhythm & pace, use of pause, body language and delivery, we will develop a better understanding of ourselves as communicators, and of our voice as a useful tool. The voice workshop is a fun way of working together to explore our abilities in a supportive and creative way, and is designed for all levels - no experience required. We hope you enjoy it.

You may have noticed that has had temporary makeover, in celebration of the forthcoming MWI exhibition as part of the Southbank Art Trail (9 and 10 May 2009). There will be a sign-up sheet at Wednesday's meeting - we'd like as many members as possible to take on an assignment (despite the onerous-sounding name, assignments are really very easy and straightforward, we promise!). The nature of the Learning To Love You More project means it's open to all - whether you consider yourself an artist or not (yet). It's an art project of a most democratic nature. And it's a whole lot of fun.

Don't forget: if this will be your third meeting and you're not yet a member, then it's time to cough up. Membership is £29 for the year - see Jen, our treasurer, at the meeting.

April Meeting
Malago WI hopes to provide a few tips and ideas for beating the credit crunch at our April meeting, with interesting information provided by not one, but two speakers. Kath Kelly author of 'How I Lived on Just One Pound a Day' will be talking about how she survived her self-imposed penury by revealing where to look for cheap clothing, food and toiletries, along with offering novel ideas for socialising and gift-giving.

We are also joined by Dave Hamilton, co-founder of and author of 'The Urban Guide to Self Sufficiency'. Dave is an expert in all things organic and will demonstrating how to make environmentally friendly cleaning products at home as well as supplying us with tips on how to garden, totally organically and on a budget. He also has a wealth of knowledge on the type of vegetables that can be grown in space-strapped gardens.

Ooh, it's all shaping up nicely.

Until Wednesday, adieu,