Hello Malagowers
What a lovely time we had at Windmill Hill City Farm in August. Chris Lambert was such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable speaker and we had fun looking round the Farm’s growing areas, not to mention sampling the chillies! Don’t forget the Farm’s ‘Eat Local’ event this Sunday 27th September. So after a couple of months taking Malago WI on tour over the Summer, the nights are drawing in and we are back in the hall and ‘getting crafty’ with an evening delving into the intriguing world of origami on Wednesday 30th September. The word "origami" comes from the Japanese "oru" meaning "to fold" and "kami" or "gami" meaning paper, and a lot of its traditions, techniques and experts come from Japan. Teaching us will be origami artist Judith Laing who has been a specialist in origami for over 25 years. She has taught all over the world and exhibited her own creations widely as well as being a long standing member of The British Origami Society. Judith will demonstrate the various techniques involved and then teach us all how to make our own origami pieces, including some lovely Christmas decorations. She will be providing all the materials required for this crafty session, so just bring yourselves! Priority will be given to full Malago WI members should numbers exceed our capacity. See you on the 30th! Until Wednesday...
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Christmas is coming...

There, I said it!
Apologies if you’re in the ‘not before December 1st’ brigade, but it’ll be a real struggle to bring you up to date without mentioning the ‘C’ word.
First off, October’s meeting was a craft fest of starry proportions with origami, crochet, sewing and salt dough decorations being created for our Christmas tree at the lovely Treefest event at St Mary Redcliffe Church.
It takes place the week beginning 8th December and we’ll need a few people to help set up and decorate (and possibly a tree too…details, details)! Let us know if you’ve got a couple of spare hours on the Monday and want to be involved.
If you’ve continued with your crafty talents and made more decorations at home, please bring them along to our meeting next week.
Speaking of which, we’ll be welcoming back Liz Ferguson next week – she taught us how to make fabulous tissue paper pompoms last time she was with us. This time she’ll be sharing and demonstrating her gift wrapping ideas, from the budget end through to the more luxurious, with a generous smattering of funny tales from the life of Liz!
We’re still after volunteers to help on our stall at the Windmill Hill City Farm Christmas Fair, on Sunday 14th December – have you put your name down for an hour or 2 yet? If not why not?! Come on, season of goodwill and all that…
Finally, bring along some cash to next week’s meeting, there’ll be opportunities-a-plenty to part with it.
If you’re not already a member of Malago WI, membership is open so why not join us for 2015 – we just need to relieve you of a mere £36.00.
We have received our beautiful, tea towels, designed by the very talented artist and Malago member Emily Ketteringham, so they’ll be on sale for £6.00 each.
Finally, we’re clearing out our cupboard to make way for a new load of goodies, so we’ll be flogging stuff such as glitter, beads, sequins, art pad and anything else we can find!
Any money raised will go back in to making Malago WI as fabulous as we can.
See you on Wednesday,
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
November news...
What a great October Blackout party!
We enjoyed a sociable and relaxed evening of themed food, music and movies. The hall had never looked so good, decked out in fantastic vintage bunting and 1940s memorabilia.
Hats off to all those who entered into the spirit of the occasion and came dressed up in style and huge thanks to the girls from the pop-up parlour who performed their 1940s hair and make-up magic on lots of lucky Malagowers.
We also got down to business with the formalities of the AGM, looking back on another successful year for Malago WI and feeling in good shape as we look ahead to an exciting programme of activities for 2014.
Thanks to our hard-working committee, with special thanks going to Nancy, Shelly, Jacqui and Emma who are taking a well earned break from committee duties and a very warm welcome to new members Lucy Culliford and Suzanne Bech.
We do need more committee members so would you just like to join us in helping to keep Malago WI a thriving, fun group?
Maybe you have a flair for photography or a great idea or contact for a future meeting? Maybe you’re keen to get a spin off WI group off the ground – a crochet club, book group or knitting circle? Whatever your reason, a warm and friendly welcome awaits you, not to mention tea and cake! Just get in touch or speak to one of us at the meeting and we’ll go from there!
Looking ahead to our final meeting of the year on Wednesday 27th November we’ll be getting into a Christmassy mood with a glass of punch and mince pies before Xanthe from Ivory Flowers demonstrates how to make a Christmas floral arrangement.
We’d like you to bring along some flowers and foliage from your own garden (or foraged if you prefer) and maybe you have a container that you think would be great for a flower arrangement but have never quite got round to working out how to make it look good?
Bring it along and Xanthe will create some impromptu displays using some of these and give us tips on how to create a lovely display with often overlooked foliage.
Xanthe will also have some goodies for sale so bring along some cash or your credit card, she’ll be telling us all about her new shop that’s soon to open on North Street too…exciting times!
Don’t forget that membership is open for new members to join for £34.70, existing members will need to renew in January, although if you’d like to do it at November’s meeting – that’s fine with us!
And if that hasn’t got you in a festive mood, don’t forget our December informal Christmas drinks get together, on 11th December from 8pm in the Tobacco Factory.
See you next week,
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